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Sets up an alarm for a future time [atime] . At this time, the alarm object sends the message that [message] , a message object, specifies. (See .) The [atime] can a String, DateTime object, or TimeSpan object.

If [atime] is a DateTime object, the DateTime specifies a time when the alarm will be triggered. The DateTime must be greater than the current time.

If [atime] is a TimeSpan, the Alarm will be set to the current time plus the TimeSpan. The TimeSpan must not be a negative interval.

If [atime] is a String, you can specify this as a date and time ('hh:mm:ss') or as a number of seconds starting at the present time. If you use the date and time format, you can specify a date in the default format ('dd Mmm yyyy') after the time with a single blank separating the time and date. Leading and trailing whitespace characters are not allowed in the [atime] . If you do not specify a date, the Alarm uses the first future occurrence of the specified time. You can use the cancel() method to cancel a pending alarm. See for more information.

The following code sets up an alarm at 5:10 p.m. on December 15, 2007. (Assume today's date/time is prior to December 15, 2007.)


/* Alarm Examples */

PersonalMessage=.MyMessageClass~new("Call the Bank")

time = .DateTime~fromIsoDate("2007-12-15T17:10:00.000000")

a=.alarm~new(time, msg)
::class MyMessageClass public
::method init
expose inmsg
use arg inmsg
::method RemindMe
expose inmsg
say "It is now" "TIME"("C")".Please "inmsg
/* On the specified data and time, displays the following message: */
/* "It is now 5:10pm. Please Call the Bank" */

For the following example, the user uses the same code as in the preceding example to define msg, a message object to run at the specified time. The following code sets up an alarm to run the msg message object in 30 seconds from the current time:



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