This index does not include all the Rexx tools available through this website -- but it may still be helpful.
Here are tools written and tested specifically for mainframes. Look also in the primary tools index for other free tools (most of which run on mainframes just fine).
Batch Rexx BCPii (Base Control Program internal interface)BRexx370CCA (Common Cryptographic Architecture)CICS -- z/VSE IntegrationCSM (Copy Services Manager)Data Access MethodsDirect Data Access (BDAM for Rexx)Display Managers / GUIsEclipse (Integrated Development Framework, mainframe version)EditorEdit MacrosEXECIOEvaluate ExpressionsFTPGraphical User Interface (GUI for Rexx)Hercules (Mainframe emulator)ICF (Integrated Catalog Facility)InterpreterIPCS (dump analysis)IRRXUTILISPFISPF Edit MacrosISPF TablesIUCV (Inter User Communication Vehicle)Many Tools!MQTT MessagingMultitaskingOMVS (Unix system services)Performance MonitorPDSE (Partitioned Data Set Extended) Pipes Python (Invoking Rexx Programs) RACF InterfaceREXXEDIT (XEDIT interface)REXXTRY RUNEXEC (executes Rexx or Clist code)SAF (System Authorization Facility)SHAREVAR (share variables between execs)SMF (System Management Facilities)SMS (Storage Management Subsystem)Sockets (interface for Rexx/Sockets)SortingStem Variables System UtilitiesTape AccessTelecommunicationsTRACEXECUtilities VSAM (VSAM access method support)Variable Management (inside Rexx scripts)WAIT a scriptWAKEUP ServersXEF (eXtended Editor Facility)XML ParserZCCREXX (CCA Interface)
z/OS Internals
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