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How To's --    (Index to Topics)

Search RexxKnowledge Articles Library How Rexx Combines Power with Ease of Use How to Write Portable Code Portability Charts The Rexx Standards Coding for Best Practices Rexx Style Guide Safe Rexx for Desktops How To Code Arrays (tables) How Associative Arrays Work Regular Expressions in Rexx RexxRE Regular Expressions Documentation Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet How to Parse How to Parse - Detailed Tutorial How to Parse - A Tutorial Presentation How to Sort How Rexx Arithmetic Works Rexx Modularity, Subroutines, and Functions Regina Utility Functions Dr Zabrodsky Website ooRexx with Tomcat Java Integration with BSF4Rexx Ginsburg & December on Rexx with CGI Rexx with CGI -- several articles IntelliJ IDE for ooRexx How to Install Rexxes on Rasp Pi Rexx Stack on a Rasp PI SBC Rexx on Libre 'Le Potato' SBC Rasp PI w/ ooRexx and BSF4ooRexx Several Articles on Rexx on Android OODialog Users Guide by Oliver Sims Rexx <--> Python Mapping/Comparison Benchmark Your Computer! Scripting Languages: What You Need to Know

Mainframe How To's --    (Index to Topics)

The Many Uses of Rexx on Z Safe Rexx for Enterprises How to Run Rexx as a Batch Job How to Write Edit Macros JCL to Rexx Interface Examples How to Code Rexx EXECIO How to Code Rexx/TSO File Operations Coding ISPF with Rexx How to Use ISPF Efficiently How to Use Rexx Compiler with ISPF How to Parse Command Line Parameters How to Use NetRexx Pipelines NetRexx Pipelines Overview Rexx Mainframe Coding Techniques Rexx Mainframe Coding Techniques by P. Van Dyke How to Install BRexx370 Frank Clarke's Rexx Blog System REXX and SYSREXX How to Run Rexx with DB2 How to Run Rexx with DB2 How to Run Rexx with CICS How to Run Rexx with RACF How to Run Rexx with RACF How to Interface Rexx with SDSF How to Interface Rexx with SDSF - Examples Using Rexx with SDSF and Java Remote Rexx with Zowe Remote Rexx with Zowe -- 3 Ways Rexx and SMF (System Management Facilities)

Free Books --

The Rexx Language, 2nd Edition NetRexx 2 Rexx Programmers Reference Programming in Rexx by Charles Daney Gabriel Goldberg's Rexx Handbook Rexx Reference - Gabriel Gargiulo TSO/E Rexx Users Guide Open Object Rexx Programmer's Guide Writing Simple Programs in Rexx Introduction to REXX and ooREXX by Dr Flatscher The Rexx ANSI Standard Jeff Glatt's Rexx Book (in 3 formats) OS/2 Warp Rexx Book OS/2 Warp OORexx Book OS/2 REXX: Bark to Byte A List of Rexx Books