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Forums --

Join the Rexx Language Assocation Ask Questions at the RexxLA Forum Mainframe Expert Rexx Forum ooRexx Forum @ SourceForge The Mail Archive -- oorexx-devel The Mail Archive (forum) NetRexx Group (forum)

Links --

Regina Rexx Homepage Open Object Rexx Homepage NetRexx Homepage Rexx Homepage at IBM CBTTAPE -- Many Mainframe Tools Dr Rony Flatscher's ooRexx website Manmrk Rexx Resources Search for Search RexxKnowledge Articles Library RexxLA_Symposium_Presentations Ruurd Idenburg Website EDM/2 Homepage with many obsolete Rexx Resources ARexx Resources Old RexxInfo Website

Jobs --

Job interview questions and answers for mainframe REXX Job interview questions and answers for Classic Rexx Dice Jobs searched for 'Rexx' The Ladders Jobs searched for 'Rexx' Naukri Jobs searched for 'Rexx'

History --

A History of Rexx Mike Cowlishaw's Original 1984 Paper on REXX Mike Cowlishaw Interview (2004) Mike Cowlishaw on 40 Years of Rexx Download DOS Rexx's from the 80's Download Compact Rexx (CRX) Benchmark Your Computer